Humanitarian Programme | UNFPA
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 Women and Girls Safe Spaces
 Social Service Centers
 Key Refugee Centers
 Youth Centers


Approximately 75 per cent of the refugees in Turkey are estimated to be women and children under 18 years old. A quarter of refugees are women of reproductive age. Four percent of the population are pregnant and delivering refugee women with newborns every year. 15 percent of pregnancies are expected to face high-risks and need tertiary care – Cesarian section, operations/ blood transfusion, intensive care. UNFPA is one of the major United Nations humanitarian response organizations with a mandate to meet the reproductive and maternal health needs of persons in emergency situations.

Capacity Building

Capacity Building

UNFPA builds capacity of Turkish and Syrian service providers on the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP), Emergency Obstetric Care (Emoc), Safe motherhood, Sexual and Gender Based Violence, Clinical Management of Rape etc.

Service Delivery

Service Delivery

UNFPA provides services to refugees through establishing Women and Girls Safe Spaces which act as primary level health care centers with certain clinical and psychosocial services on RH and GBV and also empowerment activities for women and girls.



•ICPD+20 Group
•CEDAW Committee
•Istanbul Convention
•National Action Plans on gender equality
•Parliament commission on Seasonal Migrant Agricultural Workers
•National AIDS commission

Kits Distribution

Kits Distribution

UNFPA provides dignity, hygiene kits, maternity and reproductive health kits.